Messy Middlescence

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Tara (Conti) Bansal and Christina (Conti) Donovan

27 March 2024

45m 24s

Timeless Happiness Class 1



This podcast episode revolves around a class Tara taught at the Princeton Adult School called Timeless Happiness. This class focused on how to prepare for your next phase - be it a career change, role change or retirement. Many of the most common retirement challenges are discussed including identity loss and time management. The importance of flexibility, patience, and exploration is also emphasized. Christina and Tara delve into the essential elements of a well lived life, including contribution, relationships, health, and community engagement. Specific exercises from the class are shared such as envisioning an ideal retirement week and assessing personal areas of improvement. The podcast highlights the importance of finding happiness, embracing change, and designing a fulfilling retirement next phase based on individual values and aspirations. Overall, it offers valuable advice and guidance for navigating through the different phases and aspects of the second half of life.

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