Messy Middlescence

episode artwork

Tara (Conti) Bansal and Christina (Conti) Donovan

26 February 2024

57m 27s

Always Keep Learning



In this enlightening episode we discuss retirement and aging with Kellie Walenciak based on her published article 'The Secret to Immortality: Why I Will Never Retire'. Kellie challenges the conventional notion of retirement, advocating for a shift towards working “by choice” to find purpose and meaning in one's later years.

Kelly's own experiences, as well as her inspiring stories of others, highlight the importance of staying curious, embracing change, and continually learning throughout life. She also discusses the concept of “Blue Zones”, where people live longer and healthier lives, and which emphasize the cognitive and social benefits of staying active and engaged.

Overall, this episode offers valuable insights and advice for those in middlescence looking to age intentionally and age well.

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